My name is Helen Forrester. I work in private practice just by the sea in East Lothian, Scotland. Having supported and supervised Play Therapists for a long time and shared the joys and challenges of the work we do, I wanted to create a resource that would help with those nitty-gritty bits of practising that can feel tricky, worrying or overly time-consuming.
This web-site is an evolving collection of supports and resources including online training on practical topics that will help you feel more capable and in control of your practice, resources that will help you communicate ideas to parents & carers, and private practice coaching that actually applies to therapy practice without having to adjust and shoehorn in ideas that don't work for children's therapy.
I hope that you find something here that will support you in your practice.
Building businesses that run smoothly, fulfil the needs of both clients & therapists, and communicate our effective & evidence-based approach unapologetically and confidently is something that really matters to me.
By doing this we can
- Reduce therapist stress
- Boost the professional profile of Play Therapy
- Improve access to Play Therapy for children & their families