Running a successful private practice shouldn't feel draining or overwhelming

I can help if you are ...


  • Struggling to consistently fill your sessions
  • Feeling worried, exhausted & unbalanced as you try to manage the direct work on top of            invoicing, marketing, admin, taking in referrals ..... (oh and hoovering sand!)
  • Finding it tricky to be completely present with your clients, or give their families the attention they need for the work to be effective, because you are taking on too many clients in order to cover your costs
  • Hoping to set up in private practice but unsure where to start or how to do this confidently


Book one-off strategy sessions

If you are starting your practice

Where to start?

Decide what it is you want to create and plan how to begin

1.5 hour session @ £65 

Online programme available 

Modules that think through all the aspects of setting up in private play therapy practice, giving you a secure and confident start.

6 month group support programme:  £600

Starter checklist (Scotland)

A checklist of things you need to do when you start in private therapy practice with children.

If you are growing your practice

Assess where you are

Assess where you need things to change and decide on your next steps

Your unique offering & how to market it

Identify the needs of your ideal clients, combine this with your unique passions & skills and get noticed.


Earning a comfortable living in private practice.  How to make this happen.

Systems & processes

Assess the systems that currently support your practice and improve these to save time, increase effectiveness and reduce frustration.

Strategy sessions are 1.5 hours and cost £65  

Let me know the areas you want to work on and I will send you a programme proposal (number of sessions and focus).