Online trainings

1. Report writing - capsule courses from January 2025  

Courses that give you the information you need for the time and cost of a supervision session (1 hour, £50)

Capsule Course 1 - Using themes in report writing

Capsule Course 2 - Formulating & communicating understanding of your client

Capsule Course 3 - Crafting recommendations

2. Begin - creating a new private play therapy practice

Create an authentic and profitable private practice that reflects your values and achieves your goals.

6-month online support programme for Play Therapists creating a new private practice.

6 modules, 12 input sessions, covering how to shape your unique offering, identifying your client group, getting noticed & marketing, costing your services, practicalities & legalities, and building systems & processes to reduce stress & increase effectiveness.

Online & written material sent ahead of each session.

2 online group sessions per month (once a fortnight for 1.5 hours).

COST:  £600   monthly payments available

3. Grow - building your existing private practice 

Explore and fix what doesn't work, build on what does.

6-month online support programme for Play Therapists with an existing private practice.

6 modules, 12 input sessions, covering assessing what is working & what isn't, what makes your practice unique, identifying your top clients, getting noticed, marketing, profitability, and systems & processes to reduce stress & increase effectiveness. 

Online & written material sent ahead of each session.

2 online group sessions per month (once a fortnight for 1.5 hours).

COST:  £600  monthly payments available